Latest news


The slides of the talks given during the EGC school are given in the summary section of the dedicated webpage.


Presentation supports of keynote speakers are available on the keynotes webpage.


You can follow the conference in the main amphitheate (keynotes + A sessions) in live from CanalC2 :


The list of recipients of the conference scholarships is available (see section Scholarships/Recipients)


A dedicated page to social events is now available.

19/12/2018, (UPD 19/01/2019) :

The conference agenda as well as some organization elements are available on the program page

as the detailled program:


05/11/2018 : Mobility grants can be provided by the GDR Madics for Phd Students participating to the EGC school and workshops. More information on the website : .

Invited speakers

FrankVanHarmelen Manolescu_resized_1.jpg Gummadi DiCosmo


van Harmelen

Professor, head of "Knowledge Representation & reasoning" group, UV university of Amsterdam, director of The Network Institute



Senior INRIA researcher (DR1), head of the CEDAR project-team, part-time professor at Ecole Polytechnique

Krishna P.


Professor, head of the research group Networked Systems, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), Germany


Di Cosmo

 Director of Software Heritage at Inria and Computer Science Professor at University Paris Diderot, IRIF

EGC, 19th edition

This year the 19th edition of the EGC conference will take place in Metz from January 21 to 25, 2019 on the CentraleSupélec Metz Campus.

The Knowledge Extraction and Management Conference is an annual event bringing together researchers and practitioners from disciplines in the field of data and knowledge science. These disciplines include machine learning, engineering and knowledge representation, data and knowledge reasoning, data mining and analysis, information systems, databases, the semantic web and open data, etc.

The processing and integration of data and knowledge sources constantly raises new needs and challenges in terms of methods, techniques and tools for acquiring data, classifying them, integrating them, representing them, storing them, indexing them, visualizing them, interacting with them, protecting them and especially to transform them into useful, relevant knowledge respectful of our rights.

In addition to the scalability needs of large data collections, there is the need for heterogeneous, variable quality and sometimes very dynamic data processing, ranging from online newspaper articles, to connected sensors, from photo or viral video to the geographical position of our cars, short messages from a microblog to related data from a genomics database, etc.

A major challenge is the development of more transparent data analysis and reasoning algorithms that are able to identify data biases, explain the source of their results, and ensure privacy and equity.

The EGC conference is an opportunity to meet academic and industrial to confront theoretical work and practical applications on real data and to communicate high quality works, exchange and promote the cross fertilization of ideas, through the presentation of recent research, industrial developments and original applications.

EGC 2019's proceedings, including articles from oral communications as well as those associated with posters, will appear in an issue of the journal RNTI. The authors of the best articles will be invited to submit an extended version of their articles for publication in international post-editions published by Springer.


For any questions, you can reach members of the organizing committee at the following addressing:


EGC Association

Information about the EGC association and previous editions of the conference can be obtained on the following website: (in french).



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Honorary president


The honorary president of EGC 2019 is Frank van Harmelen, professor in the computer science departement of the free university of Amsterdam.

Program chair

Marie-Christine Rousset

The program chair is Marie-Christine Rousset, professor at Grenoble Alpes University, member of IUF and LIG.

Organizing chair


The organizing chair is Lydia Boudjeloud-Assala, lecturer at Lorraine's university and LORIA's member.



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